It’s Scholastic Journalism Week: What does scholastic journalism mean to me?
What does journalism mean to me?
Melissa Nie, Director of RubicOnline
For Scholastic Journalism Week, staffers from Ibid, The Rubicon, and RubicOnline shared what journalism meant to them. Take a look at what they had to say below by hovering over each image.

Bobby Verhey, RubicOnline Social Media Manager
"Journalism means sharing stories that wouldn’t necessarily have been told, and strengthening a community."

Elizabeth Trevathan, RubicOnline News
"Journalism is a way for me to express my creativity while telling the stories that the community needs to hear rather those stories are always told or are never shared. As a journalist, I control the information that I release into the world, which allows me to share the stories that are true and that I believe need to be shared."

Will Schavee, RubicOnline Sports
"Journalism is an opportunity to show what type of writer and person I am."

Martha Sanchez, RubicOnline Sports
"It is finding truth and facts and providing them to people. It is also an opportunity to share people's stories."

Annika Rock, RubicOnline Feature
"Journalism means meeting new people and learning their interesting stories while sharing it with others around the world."

Jenny Ries, The Rubicon A&E
"Journalism is about digging to find the truth and being brave enough to share it."

Lynn Reynolds, RubicOnline Production Manager
"Journalism is a form of expression for the community, and gives power to voices that aren't always heard."

Maren Ostrem, The Rubicon Opinions
"To me, journalism is all about the act of story telling. It is a way to shine the light on issues and communities that often go overlooked."

Melissa Nie, Director of RubicOnline
"Journalism lets me tell the stories of my community and share what's important with the world. It's also helped me find myself and improve my communication skills. Journalism is a part of who I am."

Charlie Johnson, The Rubicon News
"Without journalism the untold stories would remain untold, as journalists we are the voice for the voiceless and we have the power to make change."

Sam Hanson, Aureus EIC
"Journalism to me means writing history as it happens while remaining an observant spectator."

Lucia Granja, RubicOnline A&E
"Journalism means sharing stories that wouldn’t necessarily have been told, and strengthening a community."

Adrienne Gaylord, The Rubicon Illustrator
"Journalism is a conduit of perspectives and stories."

Quinn Christensen, The Rubicon EIC
"To me, journalism means informing a community about itself - whether that be on a local, national, or international scale."

Elle Chen, RubicOnline Feature
"Journalism means covering stories to inform the community but also as a way to learn for yourself and explore and learn about new things around you that you might not be aware off. It's fun."

Lara Cayci, RubicOnline Opinions
"I believe that journalism is a really important way to spread information to people in our community, so I really value journalism."

Henry Burkhardt, Video Editor
"Journalism is informative and inspiring honest storytelling. It the check and balance on people in power, and one of the cornerstones of the free world."

Lucy Benson, The Rubicon Managing Editor
"Everyone has a story to share, and global events often impact youth in ways that are discarded or overlooked. This is why student journalism is so important because it helps uncover ways that students deal with global issues as well as ways those issues show up in school buildings. Journalism is fundamental in keeping people curious."

Julia Baron, The Rubicon News
"Journalism provides an accurate description of both history and candid human response to those events."

Salah Abdulkarim, The Rubicon Sports
"Journalism for me means highlighting the issues and good things of the community as well as realizing the accomplishments of others."

Leona Barocas, Ibid
"To me, journalism means sharing true stories whether or not I like the ending or believe in the values it focuses on."

Evan Reynolds, Ibid AEIC
"Journalism is a way to tell stories of different people and get to know the world around you better."
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