Weather dampens baseball season
There were 12 rescheduled baseball games in 15 days.
Senior Weston Lombard makes a solid hit on the baseball.
This year’s spring sports have taken a large hit due to the weather. The Varsity baseball team is carrying a heavy burden because of the rescheduling of the games. There were twelve games within a span of fifteen days and two double headers. Junior Ryan Kuntz could not have been more excited for the frequent baseball games.
“I like baseball. The more baseball I play, the more fun I have” Kuntz said.
While Junior Jack Herrmann has a less positive outlook on the frequent games, he believes that they will have a negative impact on his studies.
“It has been very difficult to balance my studies and commitment to the team” said Herrmann.
Junior Tom Patterson feels completely apathetic about the baseball games being rescheduled, “ I really couldn’t care less” said Patterson.
The junior players have made a complete spectrum of answers and feelings about the games being rescheduled. The rescheduling of the games is done by a collaborative effort between Between Athletic Director Andrea Schmidt and Athletics Administrative Assistant Julie Friend. Schmidt walks around the fields at approximately 2:00 pm, and then determines whether or not the games will take place.If the games need to be rescheduled Schmidt and Friend have to send a large amount of emails. Friend sends emails to the players and their families, while Schmidt coordinates with other athletic directors and coaches to reschedule the games. There is a lot of work and inconvenience for both the staff and players, so the rescheduling process should be understood and accepted. Watch the next Varsity baseball game Saturday the 20th at 10am at Delano High School and visit the baseball team page for more information.

Tristan Hitchens-Brookins is one of the members of the Interactive Storytelling Team at RubicOnline. This is his third year on staff. Tristan's philosophy...