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US Announcements: This week Community Action is asking everyone to bring in toiletries to give to homeless teens through East Metro Youth Connect. Collect the toiletrie items in your advisory so you can win a prize!

Chicken Tenders with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Steamed Broccoli, Chicken and Dumpling Soup

1. ATTENTION WRITERS: Please submit your literature to the award-winning Art and Literature magazine. All
submissions should be sent to with your name and title in the Word or . doc file name. Submissions
will be received through Friday, March 8. Thanks!

2. Please join the creative cast and crew of The Wizard of Oz (Steampunk style) this weekend for a fun and
entertaining journey to the Emerald City. Performances are Friday at 7 PM and Saturday at 4 PM. Admission is free!

3. Attention Upper School students: It has come to our attention that one of our speakers has been omitted from
the Speaker Day sign up sheet. Keri Clifton is the Community Outreach and Administrative Coordinator at the Emily
Program Foundation. Keri will be speaking about the issues related to eating disorder prevention in the community. If
you are interested in listening to Ms. Clifton’s session, please see Dean Cummins or Mr. McVeety. Thanks—USC

4. Applying to Summer Programs? Scholarships? We are glad to support you with transcripts or recommendation
letters as needed, but please give us several days – ideally up to two week’s notice before your deadlines, since
many requests come in at the same time. The same applies to requests of teachers to write letters for you. SPA
submits these school materials directly to outside programs; you submit your application. Congrats to all who are
busy meeting March 1 deadlines for these opportunities. There will be more deadlines coming up, so please, please
plan ahead! Thank you, College Counseling

5. Film Club’s Movie Night this week takes us on a detailed tour through America’s corporate food production system.
If you’ve ever wondered what goes into getting food to your plate, “Food, Inc.” will show you. (And if you haven’t,
“Food, Inc.” suggests you probably should.) “Food, Inc.” Is narrated by Michael Pollan, who wrote “The Omnivore’s
Dilemma,” and Eric Schlosser, who wrote “Fast Food Nation.” Join us at 6:00, Wednesday, in the Lecture Room.

5. On February 15, 2013, millions of men and women all over the world participated in One Billion Rising, the largest
global action in history against violence toward women and girls. Through dance, many victims of violent acts were
given confidence to stand up for themselves and those who supported the cause were able to stand along side them.
Join IC and SSJ on March 15 to learn the One Billion Rising choreography to support the continuation of awareness
worldwide and to have some fun. Food and drinks will be provided.

6. This week Community Action is asking everyone to bring in toiletries to give to homeless teens through East Metro
Youth Connect. Collect the toiletrie items in your advisory so you can win a prize! Thanks!

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