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US Announcements, Feb 12

Congratulations to the cast and crew of The Yellow Wallpaper who received a “starred performance” (the top rank achievable) at the MSHSL One-Act Play State Festival this past Friday!


1. SENIORS:  Sophia M-K, Maria Aguilar, Amy Loushon, Maddie Graham, Nick Zelle meet in room 206 at the beginning of 6th period for a Senior Project meeting. Liat Kaplan, Gina Nguyen, Andy Monserud meet in the Dean’s office at the beginning of 7th period for a Senior project meeting

2. AP Exam Sign-ups are due Friday, February 22 –  General info in College Counseling; detailed information linked in the Veracross Portal.  From your Student Veracross home page,  in the upper right corner click News, then Upper School.   You see a menu of pages on the left – including AP Exam Information, including subject specific advice from SPA and links to College Board.  SENIORS – You’ll hear more advice on this topic in Monday’s class meeting.

3. Attention All Varsity Sports Female Captains:  a quick Athena Award Nomination meeting today, February 12 at 3:00 in Mr. Brown’s office.

4. Thursday Groups:  Spanish Club, Model UN, and Quiz Bowl—Please meet today, Tuesday, In the Gym Floyer at 10:20 am for a group picture needed by the Yearbook.  Thanks.

5. Rat your hair and grab your dancing shoes because auditions for the US Spring Musical, Hairspray are almost here.  Auditions will be Feb. 19 and 21 (Tuesday and Thursday) after school (3:15pm) in the Band Room.  Please sign up to audition outside the Choir Room and come prepared with one verse of a song and be ready to read/act scenes from the script.  Any questions, please see Mr. Severson or Ms. Klus.

6. ALL HAMBURG-BERLIN TRAVELERS:  we are meeting for 15  minutes during 3rd and 6th . Please be on time!  Danke!  Frau Brooks and Frau Crowder

7. In honor of Scholastic Journalism Week (February 19-22), we invite SPA students, grades 9-12 to be contributing journalists to the March edition of The Rubicon.  Write your experience on the current schedule.  What does a day really look like for you?  When do you do homework?  What do you do with the 40 minutes at lunch? How do you spend free periods (if you have any)?  Do you have time for electives?  How about sports or clubs?  Share your opinion:  do you like the current schedule or are you glad it will change?  Your 400-500 word stories should be e-mailed to by Friday, February 22.  One winner will be chosen from each grade to receive a $10 Caribou gift card and publication of their piece in the newspaper with a by-line.  Questions?  See Andy Monserud, Opinion/Editorial Editor or Aditi Kulkarni, Editor in Chief.

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