Lunch: Soup and Sandwich Day – Fresh Deli Sliced Meats and Cheeses, Sloppy Joe Sliders, Baked Potato Bar with Chili, Steamed Vegetables, Caprese Salad
1. In honor of Scholastic Journalism Week (February 19-22), we invite SPA students, grades 9-12 to be contributing journalists to the March edition of The Rubicon. Write your experience on the current schedule. What does a day really look like for you? When do you do homework? What do you do with the 40 minutes at lunch? How do you spend free periods (if you have any)? Do you have time for electives? How about sports or clubs? Share your opinion: do you like the current schedule or are you glad it will change? Your 400-500 word stories should be e-mailed to by Friday, February 22. One winner will be chosen from each grade to receive a $10 Caribou gift card and publication of their piece in the newspaper with a by-line. Questions? See Andy Monserud, Opinion/Editorial Editor or Aditi Kulkarni, Editor in Chief. 2.It’s Scholastic Journalism Week! Each day, we will post 2 questions of “First Amendment Trivia” for your advisory to answer. Please send your answers to The advisory with the most correct and timely answers will receive a prize from The Rubicon staff. Today’s questions:
2. Can a reporter be sent to jail for refusing a judge’s order to reveal the identity of his or her news source? (yes or no) 6. If a minor commits a crime, what is a news source required to do with the minor’s name?
3. US Jazzers: We have full rehearsals every day both this week and next to prepare for our Famous Dave’s appearance on the 27th.
4. Attention All Female Captains – your Athena Ballots are due. Please turn them into Mr. Brown today.
5. Attention all travelers participating in the trip to Spain over spring break. There is a mandatory meeting today, at 9:45 in Sr. Castellanos’ room. We will be going over lots of information and specifics about the trip so be sure to attend! 8. Update: AP EXAM Signup deadline extended to MONDAY February 25. That gives you the weekend to review the exam info posted in the Veracross Portal (Click News, then Upper School). It is very important – and helpful! – to be familiar with the exam format, sample questions, etc. BEFORE signing up. You can order an AP test prep book when signing up, that should be available within two weeks. We will host general AP review college seminar days March 11 & 12 for grades 10 and 11. See your college counselor with questions!
6. Model UN, Spanish Club, Quiz Bowl members –please meet in your usual places today for a yearbook group photo. This is our last opportunity to include your group in a yearbook photo. Please inform Ms. Brooks where you will be meeting on Thursday. Thanks! 10.Junior College Seminar – This Friday, come to your counselor’s office for small group meetings; bring your laptop. – thanks! 11.Sophomore College Seminar meets on MONDAY during history d-day. In advance, remember to complete the online surveys/inventories in Naviance – Do What You Are, and Career Clusters. Bring your laptop, see you on Monday in the world history room. 12. This is the last week, SSJ will be collecting donations for Focus MN, a group that provides clothing, food and support to members of our community living in poverty. Please bring in: – Toiletries, especially diapers and feminine hygiene products – New or used blankets and sheets – New socks and underwear – New or used gloves Many of these items you may already have at home, or are inexpensive at many stores. Items can be dropped off outside the Dean’s office and monetary donations are also appreciated. Donations must be dropped off by the end of the day Friday. Thanks to everyone who already donated!
7. New Place to Connect: Ms. Short is starting a group that would meet every other Thursday for students who are struggling with the loss of a loved one. Students can share experiences and support each other in a small safe environment. The first meeting will be during X tomorrow. If you are grieving the loss of a close family member or friend and are interested in the group, please talk to Ms. Short.
8. A big stoneware bowl, glazed with Shino and black Temmoku drips running down the sides, was taken from the hall outside the clay studio Tuesday after 6th period. This pot was headed for the Best 100 please return it ASAP. Mr. Jewett