Upper School Council works to revise dress code
Sophomores Hana Martinez and Barbara Bathke discuss the dress code during free time at school. “We shouldn’t base what we are allowed to wear on other people’s reactions,” Martinez said.
The Upper School Council (USC) looks at important issues. This year they are focusing on one of the issues students care about most: the dress code. In the past, there have been issues with subjective language in the dress code itself which has caused controversy. The USC is taking action and redefining the dress code. “We have a whole process set up that we will be using,” sophomore USC member Moira McCarthy said. The USC will write a draft, and then present it in front of a panel of students and teachers, and will receive feedback. From there, they will present their proposal in front of the entire faculty and get additional comments. The feedback from both groups will hopefully create a solid dress code that fits the community. “I hope it works well and we can make the progress we need to,” McCarthy said.

Online Opinions Editor Emily Thissen has been a Rubicon staff member since her freshman year of high school and has enjoyed her role of reporting and editing...