[TRIPPY THEORIES] Ep. 1: Birds are government surveillance
Ross: Saint Paul Academy may seem like a perfectly average educational institution. But, today after hearing some unpopular opinions, and listening to some of the harsher views of everyday realities from various SPA community members, maybe you’ll think differently. According to Divya Bhargava, a current senior at SPA, and Andy Allen, a fellow ninth-grader, pigeons aren’t just the innocent birds that swoop in and out of parks and peck the bug son our patios, they have a mission. Here on Trippy Theories today we’ll be investigating the true purpose of the pigeon and what may be happening behind the scenes. Hi, I am your host Georgia Ross and today we will be talking with Andy Allen and Divya Bhargava learning more about their views and personal beliefs on the pigeon conspiracy.
Allen: My name is Andy Allen, my pronouns are he/him
Bhargava: My name’s Divya, she/her
Ross: Can you describe your conspiracy for me?
Allen: Birds are a product of surveillance from the government in highly populated areas
Bhargava: Birds are government spies. Pigeons, specifically, and that they charge on power lines.
Ross: When and from who did you first get this conspiracy from?
Allen: It’s just, I woke up one day and I’m like, you know what? People are missing, like, that’s what people need to understand in this world ‘cause there is something missing and, people aren’t realising that the nature around them isn’t real nature it’s actually a product of the government.
Bhargava: We did a go-around in one of my classes that was conspiracy theories. So, that’s where I heard about it.
Ross: In January of 2017, Peter McIndoe began the “Birds Aren’t Real” movement. Later, in a post on Facebook McIndoe explained that “I made a satirical movement a few months ago, and people on Instagram seem to like it a lot.” In 2021, McIndoe, himself, claimed that he did not truly believe the conspiracy. In December of 2021, MSNBC wrote that hundreds of thousands of Americans are members of this movement.
Ross: Why is this conspiracy attractive?
I just, I want more people to be aware of their surroundings and, you know there are some things like you’ll see advertisements and stuff like on your phone. Like, and your computer of things that you’re interested in the time that I just I want more people to be aware of their surroundings. And you know, there’s some things like you’ll see like advertisements and stuff like on your phone, like in your computer of things that you’re interested in at the time that you weren’t even really looking up. It’s the birds. I’m telling you.
Bhargava: Like, it could actually be true, because, like pigeons do land on powerlines a lot and they’re like, they’re they’re always staring at you. It’s like they’re feeding the lies.
Ross: Why do you think conspiracies are so interesting or appealing to people?
Allen: I don’t think they’re interesting. I just think that they’re true. So they they should be interesting. Not interesting, you should just believe them. They shouldn’t have to interest you should just come standard.\
Allen: I think are interesting because they keep like giving people new things to believe in or talk about, or like a way to feel like they’re different.
Ross: Have you learned more about this conspiracy through the years?
Allen: No.
Bhargava: Not really.
Allen: I woke up one day and I felt the same ever since.
Ross: Is it a relatively popular conspiracy? Have you discussed it with anyone else?
Allen: Besides that parrot inside of paradise carwash in Woodbury, I’ve not discussed it with anyone else.
Bhargava: I feel like it is because like I’ve heard other people like mentioned that I like when I talk about it. They’re like, Oh, yeah.
Ross: Neither Allen or Bhargava had shared their idea and conspiracy with anybody else. Nor have they dug deeper into the history of the theory. Why do you think that this conspiracy has gained its following?
Allen: His gain is followed by me because I don’t like pigeons. And, I can just, there’s just something about them and you know, it brings a mystery and that brings answers of, I mean, what any what is the government doing?
Bhargava: First of all, it’s not super hard to understand. Because it’s just that birds are spies and you don’t need a lot of background to understand it. And like, it’s easy to say and easy to explain.
Ross: You’ve been listening to Trippy Theories, your go-to podcast telling more about all the best conspiracies. I’m your host, Georgia Ross, and make sure to go check out our other episodes about the popular Flat Earth theory with Charlotte goings, as well as the Walt Disney frozen body with Alison Mitchell. Once again, thanks for listening.
Music: Bensound

Georgia Ross (she/her) is a passionate musician who plays ukulele, violin, as well as piano. She creates music in her spare time when she is not busy with...