Georgia Ross’s feature of St. Pierre shares a story of the Lower School Maintenance Supervisor Eugene who has shaped countless lives of students progressing through the lower school.
Siri Patterson’s feature on Carys Hardy’s trip to the Arctic Circle explores the journey that took her to take on a 42-day canoe trip and what impact her journey has had.
Greyson Sale’s ‘what’s in the name’ feature tells the story behind the people that have had impacted the SPA community by donating parts of the building that students walk through every day.
Sonia Kharbanda’s extensive research into the minneapolis reveals contradictions and community, creating an interactive and dynamic story explaining the Minneapolis experience.
Juan Miguel Adams story integrates research on immigration policy and students to story to create a fuller picture of immigration going into 2025.
Greyson Sale (he/him) loves rock climbing and basically lived at the climbing gym this summer. He competes at the national level and is looking forward to his first North American Cup this spring.
Sale works as the Production Manager of RubicOnline and can be reached at [email protected].
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