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Detectives and spies are very different, but both are known for employing microscopic gadgets, like this Kodak camera, to get the information they need. Let the film spies and detectives make you gasp and laugh this Saturday at the Film Club movie marathon.
Spy. A character who trades in secrets and might play both sides. Detective. A person of high character who uncovers secrets and locks up bad guys.
Film Club’s annual Movie Marathon, which runs from 9:00 a.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday in Bigelow Commons, focuses on spy and detective movies, with selections from classics to box office favorites.
“A successful marathon is NOT six great films, but six notable films, some of which are light-weight. The latter work sort of the way comic relief does in a tragedy. If people are going to get through six movies, they can’t all drain you emotionally,” Film club adviser Randall Findlay said.
The student group voted on topics and film and set the day’s schedule:

“A Shot in the Dark” with Peter Sellers
“The Big Sleep” featuring Humphrey Bogart
“Three Days of the Condor” with Robert Redford
“Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle” with Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, and Drew Barrymore
“The Spy Who Came in From the Cold” featuring Richard Burton
“Spy” with Melissa McCarthy.
“The marathon concept goes back to an old Landmark Theaters idea in the days of the anthology film house, and really it is the precedent for the current TV binge-watching trend. But we see it as an opportunity for younger film enthusiasts to get a quick shot of film history and fun around a specific idea (which is why the marathon tends to focus on genre),” Findlay said.
Students attending should bring a potluck lunch item to share at lunch and $5 to contribute to pizza.
As always, endurance prizes are awarded for the students who stay for the most (or all) of the marathon, and the first 10 students to arrive will receive decoder rings, according to Calla Saunders, Film Club President.