Spartan Lacrosse captains make co-op work
Despite losing a lot of experienced seniors that were on the team last year, Spartan Lacrosse has gained many new and enthusiastic players. Captain Julia Colbert said, “My hope is just a super fun season, that a lot of the new players come back.”
The three captains, Ivy Raya, Julia Colbert, and Charlotte Goings also handle their leadership roles well. They talk to all of the players at practices, no matter their grade level or their relationship with them outside of lacrosse. Swing player Franny Wagner joined the team this year: “They made sure I was included and were very nice even though I was very bad at lacrosse,” Wagner said, she plays for both varsity and JV.
Despite having to start off the season with indoor and off-campus practices, the whole team seems to share their captain’s energy. “We start off every practice doing dynamic warmups as a team, then move into drills,” Colbert said. “We work on passing, defense, and other techniques together either with partners or in small groups. At the end of practice, we usually finish with a scrimmage.”
They use this time to put all of their skills together and practice working together as a team.
The whole team shows a strong sense of community as well. The team started off the season with captains’ practices this winter which helped them to build a sense of community. Dia Chaney joined the team last year as a middle schooler: “It helped that everyone was really nice, but it was a little scary at first. They helped me out with things I could do to get better, and included me,” Chaney said.
There are still various middle school athletes on top of the Upper School athletes this season as well. This year the team was quick to welcome new players again. “[we all] go around and say a fun fact about us [during practice],” Chaney said.
The coaches all have a good connection with the players as well. Not only do they instruct them during practice, they build relationships with them as well. They encourage all of the players and take time to help and correct them as they practice no matter their level of skill. “They’re very encouraging,” Wagner said.
While the team is dominantly SPA students, the team is a CO-OP with St. Agnes. “There’s only three St. Agnes girls this year, but they’re all really nice,” Chaney said.
Despite not going to school with the other players, they’re able to connect with them and the coaches, and have fun at their practices and matches.
Lacrosse plays today against Blake at 5:30 p.m. at home.

My name is Nora Seifert and I use she/they pronouns. I’m a staff writer for The Rubicon and RubicOnline this semester. I love to paint, draw, and spend...