The power of questions: Ryan Strobel
This is Sam Hanson and you’re listening to “The Power of Questions.” Today I’ll be asking one student to answer the questionnaire from James Lipton, inspired by Marcel Pivot’s 10 questions. So Right here I have Ryan Strobel.
“Howdy! I am receptive to questions”
Receptive to questions, yeah. So right now, what’s your current state of mind?
“What do you mean by that, like emotions or frame of thought?”
“Yeah, your frame of thought.”
“Ok, um, I’d say fear. I missed Monday and Thursday on this special snow day schedule so I’m a little behind.”
So which words and phrases do you think you most overuse?
“I definitely use like as a crutch word. I definitely, I say absolute often when something is definitely not absolute. I’ve been saying definitely a lot in this sentence. Yeah, I think I tend to like easily form habits of words and then overuse them.”
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
“Hmm, a complete lack of agency or the feeling of that.”
“So like your current mindset?”
“Meh, just um like when you’re laying in bed and you feel like even getting up and doing anything is uncomfortable. There’s nothing worse than that.”
What do you think your motto is?
Ryan: Hmm, Teddy Roosevelts speak softly and carry a big stick comes to mind. Classic.”
Classic. What’s your favorite curse word?
“Um, that’s actually a very interesting question. Am I allowed to say it on the podcast?”
“Um, haha.”
“Ok, um. I like saying…(cat noise)”
Ok, I don’t know about that, probably shouldn’t say that. Ok, different question. So what sound or noise do you hate or love?
“Um, one sound that makes me want to throw up is squeaky balloons and kind of styrofoam but not as much.”
“This is Evan Barnes, he just joined in on our conversation.”
“I don’t have many sounds I like. I like ambient noise I don’t know.”
“Like this environment?”
“TV static is nice.”
“Ok, I think that’s all of the questions for now.”
“I apologize.”
“This has been the power of questions with Ryan Strobel.”
“Alright, thanks for having me.”
You’ve been listening to “The Power of Questions.” Tune in next week to hear from another student.

Sam Hanson is the Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Aureus magazine and a writer on RubicOnline. This is his third year on staff. Sam enjoys using multimedia...