Tech Trends: the not so plugged in generation
Sales of the latest and greatest tech have plummeted in comparison to past years.
Recent tech trends see the purchase of new technology going down.
A new tech trend that has gradually hit the market is the apparent decrease in consumer purchase of new technology. It seems that consumers used to always attempt to update to the latest and greatest new gadgets. However, consumers now hang onto their phones, headphones and all types of technology for longer.
For example, the newest iPhone, the iPhone XR, has seen so much disinterest that Apple has been forced to lower the price to $449.00 “for a limited time” in an attempt to increase revenue on the new phone. Junior Audrey Egly has seen this phenomenon: “Most people used to go crazy over the new iPhone when it came out, and it doesn’t seem to be like that anymore. For the most part, it seems like students with iPhones have either an 8 or 7: not that many have the iPhone X let alone the newest XR,” she said.
However, another possible reason for the dip in new technology sales may come from the wave of realization that screen time can be damaging. While Generation Z has been deemed the “plugged in generation” by many, if recent trends continue, it could become the unplugged generation. “When I got my phone in middle school it seemed like I was on it all the time. I was always on Instagram, Youtube or playing games,” said senior Nik Lehtinen. “However, as I have had my phone for longer, I have realized the importance of spending less time on my phone and making time for things that are more important than my screen time. I think that a lot of people are realizing that, which could be why the newest iPhones aren’t selling like they used to; people don’t need the newest phone if they aren’t spending as much time on their phones anyway,” said Lehtinen.
Whether because the “latest and greatest” technology offers no major improvements to past versions, prices for new technology have simply gotten out of hand, or consumers have realized the damaging effect of screen time, it is apparent that there has been a dip in the number of new devices in the hands of buyers.

Emma Sampson is the Sports Editor at RubicOnline. Going into her third year on staff, she is excited to edit and publish in a section that she is passionate...