[TECH TRENDS] Instagram pulls Snapchat users with similar features

Instagram pages are acquiring some of the same features as other social media outlets.
Snapchat was the first social media outlet to utilize user stories. The feature, which allows users to add a temporary photo for their followers to see, is very popular among users. For many users, it makes putting something out on the internet much easier and widely viewed. Recently, another one of Snapchat’s features was adopted by a larger social media outlet: Instagram.
Instagram has updated software recently to highlight their new quick add feature. The feature, which was originally only used by Snapchat, makes adding new users almost hands-free. Once pressing on the faded Instagram icon located above a user’s profile, it reveals a code unique to each Instagrammer. “It’s weird to see all the new features on Instagram. It seems like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook are all taking features from each other to create one social media outlet,” Junior Pia Schultz said.
With each social media outlet becoming more and more similar, users are tending to gravitate towards one main outlet. Several Snapchat users have admitted to using Snapchat less based on the fact that now they can get everything off of Instagram, like Senior Krista Schlinger. “Now I can get everything off of one app which is nice,” Schlinger said, “flipping between the two apps is a lot of work and it will be a lot easier to just have one.”
Whether users have a preference between apps, the fluidity between social media is obvious. The morphing of social media outlets poses the question if users will continue to use several different apps because of increasingly common features.

Emma Sampson is the Sports Editor at RubicOnline. Going into her third year on staff, she is excited to edit and publish in a section that she is passionate...