Tech Trends: Will Facebook disappear?
Students often find themselves scrolling between Facebok and Instagram.
Facebook, which hit the social media scene in 2004, was an instant success and saw dramatic use from millions of users. However, as time has passed, the Facebook frenzy seems to be dying down for generation Z. Much more popular among teenagers and users in their 20s is Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter.
While it is very possible that Facebook could make a comeback, many students don’t believe so. When asked if students had a Facebook or their thoughts about Facebook many described not having one and that Facebook was only a social media app used by their parents.
“Why would I use Facebook when I have Instagram? They’re basically the same thing,” sophomore Gabe Ramirez said.
Ramirez’s attitude towards Instagram seems to describe how many students feel.
Senior Muriel Lang explains why.
“I think that the biggest reason that our generation uses Instagram instead of Facebook is that Instagram was new when we were at the age of joining social media sites. Facebook had already existed and was not as new,” Lang said.
While the decline of Facebook is very apparent on the Generation Z social media scene some Z’s are finding that while Facebook may not be their go to, it has several uses.
Senior Janie Brunell, who just recently joined Facebook, explains.
“I used to think that Facebook was only for the older generation but have recently been using it more. One thing that I know a lot of seniors especially use Facebook for is sending out grad parties invitations. Facebook makes it really easy to get a guest count and let all your family and friends know that your grad party is happening,” Brunell said.
Facebook could soon be a relic of the past but currently still competes with certain features that are not offered by Instagram and Snapchat.
“I think that students who do not yet have Facebook would be surprised by all of its uses,” Lang said.

Emma Sampson is the Sports Editor at RubicOnline. Going into her third year on staff, she is excited to edit and publish in a section that she is passionate...