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The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

OPINIONATED VOICES. The RubicOnline Staff wrote flash opinion as part of an editing workshop taught by Production Manager Eliana Mann.

Speaking our minds

RubicOnline Staff November 30, 2023
The RubicOnline staff compiled short opinions about topics we are passionate about.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. Droughts in Somalia have had a detrimental effect on the land, people and economy. To provide resources and spread awareness for countries that are particularly affected by issues of climate change, the first step is starting discussions about environmental crises that are outside of the United States.

Environmental crises are global: think outside the United States

Milkii Tigro, The Rubicon October 26, 2022
Environmental crises are happening everywhere and affecting everyone, yet not many people are aware.
The Courageous Conversations model stresses the importance of speaking one’s truth and accepting all the repercussions that might occur and being ready to be in the wrong or ignorant. Each student needs to seriously consider which category they are in, not to finish it for a grade but themselves.

Conversations should be courageous: why the compass matters

Ivy Raya, RubicOnline November 10, 2020
The Courageous Conversation model is a staple in SPA curriculum; uncomfortable conversation is essential for growth.
Posthumous albums allow musicians work to live on... but does it add to a legacy?

Posthumous music releases: the debate won’t die

Jonas Bray, Staff Writer January 31, 2020
From the very positive reaction Circles by Mac Miller received, to the polar opposite reaction for Bad Vibes Forever by X, it’s clear that the music community feels divided over posthumous music.

Introversion is environmental

Tana Ososki, RubicOnline December 10, 2019

Introverts can be formed by the environment around them, if that is either from trauma or viewing the way that their parents act and following their tendencies.  The events that happen around a...

It’s time for disciplinary philosophy to change and for school officials to start using punishments that work instead of using detention as a catch-all punishment for even the most minor infractions of school rules.

Detentions: are they the right way to deal with problems?

Henry Burkhardt October 29, 2019
Detentions are an oversimplified, overused answer to a larger problem.
Unless the Spartan is there, the cheers are nonexistent. Show school spirit.

Homecoming week is over. Keep the spirit alive.

Lynn Reynolds, Production Manager October 2, 2019
Unless the Spartan is there, the cheers are nonexistent.
9th grader Alex Moore looks reading notes for French class.

Science proves that typing notes is killing your grade

Elizabeth Trevathan, RubicOnline Editor May 10, 2019

Classes often begin with students opening their laptop, but typing notes aren’t as beneficial as the students think they are. In fact, typing notes makes preparing for tests much tougher than it should...

Photo Credits: Lynn Reynolds.

Save our planet, not Notre Dame

Zekiah Juliusson, Staff Writer May 4, 2019
There is nothing against people donating their money to a cause they believe in, but the world population needs to come together to convince those who can to donate to a greater cause: saving our earth.
[OVERTIME] Fans may watch pros for fame, but should watch school athletes for heart

[OVERTIME] Fans may watch pros for fame, but should watch school athletes for heart

Andrew Johnson, The Rubicon Editor January 9, 2019
Players pay not for a paycheck, but for each other, and have more of a reason to lay it all out on the line and give their best effort.
Swearing has become so casual that students don't think about who might be listening as they walk the halls.

Quit dropping a penny a swear word

Sharee Roman, Photojournalist September 26, 2017
Swearing has become an epidemic at SPA. There needs to be an effort on the students part to remedy this issue.
When teachers share their political opinions in class, it makes the conversation more tense, not less.

Part 2 of 2: Should teachers share political opinions in classrooms?

Nitya Thakkar, Staff Writer March 3, 2017
No, because this could make students feel targeted and disrupt the harmony of the class.
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