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  • HOCO 24 dress up (Friday): show Spartan Pride with BLUE and GOLD.
  • HOCO 24 dress up (Thursday): get cozy because it's sweater weather.
  • HOCO 24 dress up (Wednesday): it's "rhyme without reason" so mix it up with your twin from another mother.
  • HOCO 24 dress up (Tuesday): grades wear green (9), yellow (10), red (11), blue (12) for class color day.
  • HOCO 24 dress up (Monday): wear your stars and stripes for USA day.
  • German Exchange students arrive Sept. 29.
  • Want more photos? Find them in the yearbook galleries on the Ibid Flickr.
The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

SPARTAN SPIRIT. Spartan mascot Cassandra Overholt high fives students after defeating the BSM Crusader in a pre-game skit.

[HOCO Day 5] Pepfest pumps up fans before traditional storming of Lang Field

The entire Upper School gathered in the gym on Friday for the annual Pepfest celebration.
The house cup's entertainment exists throughout the event's course rather than the result. Students can support their teammates even while knowing they are going to lose.

The House Cup builds a stronger sense of community

Ivy Raya February 12, 2023

 The House Cup started in 2021, the year COVID-19 hit our community. Saint Paul Academy was online, with grades competing to gain the most points before the year ended. Fast forward to 2023,...

In this standalone podcast episode, Rubiconline reporter Alexandra Cardwell goes behind the scenes of an Upper School Council meeting to uncover how the council manages subcommittees, handles proposals, and plans events.

Behind the scenes with the Upper School Council

Alexandra Cardwell, RubicOnline December 6, 2022
Find out what goes on behind the scenes at a USC meeting from budgets to t-shirt canons to event planning.
MEANINGFUL MUSIC. Ninth-grader Ellie Putaski has found comfort in music since she first learned to play at six years old. “I’d say music is probably the main way I express myself,” she said.

Putaski finds joy in creative outlets

Eliana Mann, RubicOnline April 13, 2022
Ninth-grader Ellie Putaski shares her love for music and the meaningful role it plays in her life.
Grade level virtual Quiz Bowl tournament first round leaves sophomores to battle seniors in final round.

Virtual Quiz Bowl

Tommy Verhey April 30, 2021
Sophomores and Seniors win first round of the Quiz Bowl tournament, second round will likely determine USC's house cup winner.
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