Tristan Hitchens-Brookins
Senior Muriel Lang carries everything she needs down a halway formerly filled with lockers.
The school year started off with students slowly settling into new routines, schedule, and structure during the day in silent halls absent of the sound of hundreds of lockers clicking throughout the school… because the majority of the spaces that used to house lockers are gone. The old science hallway (now general offices), the old math wing (now history department), and the college counseling areas have lost most if not all of the lockers that used to fill those hallways. The general lack of lockers in the building leaves many students without a spot in the school to claim as their own. Fortunately, students do not need lockers to succeed or stay organized: all the books a student has can be lugged all around the building.
Seniors Zach Tipler and Muriel Lang along with junior Elijah Johnson do not feel that a lack of lockers will pose a problem for them during the coming school year.
“I’ve never used one [a locker] before; it makes me keep my backpack organized,” Tipler said.
“I have a backpack so I don’t need a locker. I never really put anything in there anyway,” Johnson said.
“I have no locker and I only notice it when I bring a lunch or jacket with me to school. I don’t notice not having a locker because I bring my backpack with me to every class and its fine,” Lang said.
Students rarely used lockers in the first place, so not automatically getting one this year will not affect their daily school routine. Any inconvenience brought about by the lack of lockers will be near negligible at best. Students should ditch their lockers and find alternative ways to keep their belongs secure.
Lockers are not a necessity in everyday school life.