Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) prepare signs to encourage safety
Junior Sarah Romans, senior Harrisen Egly, and junior Julia Hansen work on signs. “One sign we’re making this week says, ‘It’s finally time for our homecoming week. Take your friends keys, don’t turn the other cheek,’” Egly said.
The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) student group works on signs discouraging destructive decisions. These signs are hung around the school, and normally relate to a holiday or event that is coming up. They typically contain rhyming, funny, punch lines, in an effort to draw the attention of the students who see them in the hall. In preparation for next week, SADD created signs relating to homecoming week. “One sign we’re making this week says ‘It’s finally time for our homecoming week. Take your friends keys, don’t turn the other cheek,’” junior SADD member Harrisen Egly said. Later in the year, SADD will host its annual “SADD week,” where there is a different activity every day that promotes safe decision making. These activities and the signs the group makes are a fun ways to get spread very serious messages.

Senior Katrina Hilton is the 2013-14 sports editor for the Rubicon. Katrina participates in cross country, Nordic skiing, track, Students Against Destructive...