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The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

Kathryn Campbell, CJE

Kathryn Campbell, CJE, Director of Publications

Kathryn Campbell (she/her) feels most at home on the water: whether it’s inflating her SUP and paddling out onto one of the local Twin Cities lakes, driving up to the cabin in northern Minnesota, visiting family in Puget Sound, or planning a vacation to a beach she has yet to explore. She loves speedboats but doesn’t ski. She enjoys floating but not fishing. Ms. Campbell advises Ibid yearbook, Iris: Art + Lit, The Rubicon and RubicOnline. She can be reached at

All content by Kathryn Campbell, CJE
After thefts on the Randolph campus Wednesday and Thursday, Director of Facilities Mark Dickinson alterted the community: "If you ride a bike to campus, I encourage you to consider a 'U' type lock, or something more secure than a small cable.  It appears the thief yesterday came prepared with bolt cutters," he wrote.

[Photo] Bike thefts prompt caution

Liv Larsen, RubicOnline
October 12, 2020
US Science teacher Steve  Heilig explains Mercury's transit. "If during November or May, Mercury is lined up with us in the sun, then, in fact, it will be right across the face of the sun," he said.

[Photo] Heilig hosts mid-afternoon star party

Melissa Nie, Director of RubicOnline
November 13, 2019
Students crowd around the table to decorate constitution themed cookies at the event.

[Photo] First Constitution Day mixes fun with American history

Ellie Findell, RubicOnline Production Manager
September 16, 2017
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