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The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

Flannery Enneking-Norton

Flannery Enneking-Norton, The RubicOnline Feature Editor

Senior Flannery Enneking-Norton is an environmental science enthusiast, an avid hiker, and the Feature Editor for RubicOnline during the 2017-18 school year. She is also a member of People for Environmental Protection and the cross country and track teams. Flannery is dedicated to service projects, and has spent most of her high school career volunteering at Fairview Hospital and Mary’s Place. Volunteer work is one avenue for community involvement; she also views the RubicOnline as a tool to support greater inclusivity by  engaging student voices, and highlighting the lives of SPA members in order to build a more aware and closely knit community. To contact her, please email

All content by Flannery Enneking-Norton
Almond milk is a quintessential nondairy alternative, and is very versatile in use.

Almond milk

Flannery Enneking-Norton, RubicOnline Editor
February 18, 2018
While the name might be slightly off-putting, pea milk is one of the most nutrient-dense nondairy alternatives out there with low sugar and high protein.

Pea milk

Flannery Enneking-Norton, RubicOnline Editor
February 18, 2018
A newer addition to the plant-based milk aisle, cashew milk is thick and creamy.

Cashew milk

Flannery Enneking-Norton, RubicOnline Editor
February 18, 2018
Soy is one of the highest protein options for non-dairy milks.

Soy milk

Flannery Enneking-Norton, RubicOnline Editor
February 18, 2018
Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Flannery Enneking-Norton, RubicOnline Editor
November 10, 2017
This easy peppermint bark DIY is made using only two ingredients.

Peppermint bark

Flannery Enneking-Norton, RubicOnline Editor
November 1, 2017
Make use of leftover candy corn, Whoppers, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups with this festive craft.

Candy turkeys

Flannery Enneking-Norton, RubicOnline Editor
November 1, 2017
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