[STAFF EDITORIAL] Connect with your peers during the last month of school
As the end of the 2022-2023 school year approaches, it is important to reach out to others in the community before it is too late. Everyone builds relationships in one way or another, whether they be best friends or mere acquaintances.
In many cases, classmates never say more than a few sentences to each other. Reaching out to peers and developing relationships is a form of self-care that is not talked about often. People should not limit themselves to their current friendships. Saying things that people do not hear often is a great way to develop relationships and a great way to take care of yourself.
The stigma behind self-care portrays it as isolating and very individualized. In reality, taking action to cement oneself in a community and making contributions can be very beneficial for one’s mental health. Supporting others within a community creates a ripple effect. Caring for yourself creates a better opportunity to care for others in the community. Recognize classmates and appreciate the contributions they have made to the high school experience no matter how insignificant it may seem. As the school year goes on a lot of relationships fluctuate, sometimes it is good to reach out to old friends, new friends, and current friends for your own mental health. After all, it is those around us that get us through the day.
Nobody wants to look back on their high school experience and wish they would have initiated more relationships. Regret is something that nobody wants on their plate. The class of 2023 is the last one that was in high school during the 2020 COVID-19 shutdown. The World Health Organization reported that anxiety and depression have increased globally by 25% since the pandemic. On top of this, Harvard University found that 36% of Americans feel “serious loneliness”. This doesn’t only apply to the class of 2023, but seniors can set the example for younger grades. Research shows that people underestimate how appreciated an unexpected call, text, or even an email is to an individual. Touch base with others and this can even be short-term or just a check-in.
High school only happens once and that is why it is so special. Many different things will happen for everyone in the coming months including new interests, physical separation from classmates, and changes in personality. Do not be afraid to reconnect with old friends, for it can not only cause a boost in mental health for both parties. It is so important to reach out to classmates and initiate a conversation before it is too late. These years only come around once in a lifetime, so use the opportunity to appreciate those in the community and their contributions and achievements.

Mariam Malik (she/her) is a parking garage warrior. This summer, she braved the U of MN lot in the name of scientific research, dodging automobiles left...
Ken Jaffe • Apr 27, 2023 at 9:09 am
Great advice! Couldn’t agree more.