[SPORTS OPINION] Is it better to play one or multiple sports?
Is it better to be fairly good at one sport or be a well-rounded athlete who participates in multiple sports?
Is it better to be fairly good at one sport or be a well-rounded athlete who participates in multiple sports? There is no one definitive answer to this question seeing as choosing a sport is all based on preference, interest and schedule. It also does not matter because people should play the sports they want to play because they enjoy it. Among the SPA community, many students play more than one sport and many only play one. Only playing one can be attributed to conflicting schedules and having the preference of only one sport. It all depends on the person and neither opinion is correct. There are many benefits from playing more than one sport or from only playing one. In light of this, people shouldn’t judge others based on how many sports they play or don’t play.
Playing multiple sports can be very beneficial because the skills from one sport can blend with another making one better at both sports.
Senior Allison Audette said, “I play hockey and ultimate frisbee. These different sports use different muscles which I think makes me a more well-rounded athlete. I think doing running in ultimate frisbee helps me build my endurance for other sports like hockey.”
Junior James Montague who plays basketball and tennis thought that either opinion was beneficial. He said, “It’s good to specialize in one sport because then you can focus on developing skills in that particular sport, but it’s also good to have side sports that you might not be as good at because they are fun for different reasons. It’s always good to find and have some variation to explore fun interests in different sports.”
Senior Gabe Ramirez who currently only plays one sport had a similar opinion. He said, “It doesn’t really matter whether you’re good at just one or play multiple sports. If you want to be really good at sports then you want to play more sports because you work different muscle groups and skills that could be used in all the sports you play. But if you want to be a casual athlete and save more time and focus on school you can always just play one.”
No matter how many sports you play it’s always important to play the sports you enjoy and to not judge others based on their preferences and interests based on sports. Being just good at one sport fits for some people and playing multiple sports fits for others. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re having fun.

Annika Rock is a News Editor at RubicOnline. This is her second year on staff. During quarantine, she has been taken daily walks around her neighborhood...

Elle Chen (she/her) is a co-Director of RubicOnline. This is her fourth year on staff. Over the summer, Elle interned at NSPA to help plan journalism conventions,...