[SPA CULTURE] Intercultural Club talks past and future plans (pt. 2)
Lynn: Hi, this is Lynn with Intercultural Club co-president Gabriella Thompson to talk about IC’s plans for the year! In the last episode we talked about the bake sale, which made around $400. This is great, especially for a pandemic bake sale. Everything was individually wrapped, which must have taken a lot of time for people who made treats for the bake sale. Again, for more information on the Line 3 pipeline go to tinyurl.com/ResistLine3 for a sheet made by IC!
Lynn: What are your plans for the rest of the year?
Gabriella: I know that Latinos Unidos has started planning Cinco de Mayo, so we’re going to work on that with them. I’m going to meet with Karla sometime soon and we’ll talk about what format that’s going to take and then I’ll bring up the budget request in USC right after this. We’re really excited
Lynn: The Cinco De Mayo celebration is held in the courtyard every year on May 5, give or take a few days. There are always Mexican snacks and a pinata, where students always form a huge line to take a few swings until someone breaks it. It will be interesting to see how it plays out with social distancing.
Lynn: In January, IC hosted an excellently conducted schoolwide Zoom meeting for MLK day, talking with Tish Jones and Michael McDowell. I was curious as to why IC chose to speak with these individuals in particular.
Gabriella: So we wanted to do a theme of different types of activism, or we had the graph of the different roles in a social change ecosystem. So, we were looking for artists, community organizers, people who are involved with organizations or even political figures, and that ended up being the two people that responded and we’re like, yeah, we want to do it. Dr Hodges, I think, recommended Tish Jones and then I don’t remember how we found Michael, but we found him.
Lynn: Yeah, like Gabriella said, it was really powerful to hear everything both speakers said. One thing that stuck with me is the different ways people lead. Like, lead-languages. You can lead by action, organizing, backing up others. Everything has different forms. I think that’s one thing easy to forget. Everything that both Tish and Michael said was very valuable and important for the SPA community to hear.
Lynn: Thank you for listening to the second installment of my short conversation with Gabriella. Check out more Podcasts on RubicOnline. Thank you.

Lynn is the Opinion Editor on RubicOnline. This is her third year on staff. Lynn has kept herself busy during the pandemic by reading and biking a lot....