Sophomore Class Leadership Council sets goals for the year

SoCLC members Emerson Egly and Charlie Marrone bond over their SoCLC group. “I am excited for getting things done this year,” Egly said.
The application and interview process is complete. As a result, there are 13 members of the tenth grade class who have been selected to the Sophomore Class Leadership Council (SoCLC). Some of the goals that the group has planned for the year are:
- uniting the class through different activities, such as Mix-It-Up Day
- volunteering and performing service throughout the community
- participating in the sophomore class retreat
“It’s chill and fun, but we can still get things done”, sophomore SoCLC member Charlie Marrone said. The group will meet once per week and will work hard to meet their goals for the school year. Upper School history teacher Mollie Ward and Upper School science teachers Ned Heckmann serve as advisors to the SoCLC.

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