Eight senior directors. Six shows. Two original scripts written by seniors. Twenty-seven actors. The winter One-Act showcase will be a series of virtual performances with fully virtual rehearsals. Performance dates will be announced for mid-February.
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress by Alan Ball
Directed by Gavin Kimmel
Synopsis: “Five very different bridesmaids find themselves hiding together in an upstairs bedroom, hoping to escape the wedding reception of a bride that — they soon realize — none of them really like! There is Meredith, the rebellious little sister of the bride; Frances a highly religious, but sweet cousin; Mindy, a blunt, good-hearted lesbian who is the sister of the groom; Georgeanne, a friend from high school whose marriage is falling apart; and Trisha, a pessimistic, jaded beauty who is over men. In this cramped bedroom above the wedding, these five identically dressed women talk, laugh, argue, cry, console one another, and slowly become friends.”
Meredith: Maggie Fried
Frances: Parisa Ghavami
Trisha: Isobel Alm
Georgeanne: Grace Krasny
Mindy: Ruby Fields
Prometheus the God(father) by Eric Coble
Directed by Miranda Bance & Michael Moran
Synopsis: Prometheus the God(father) gives us a closer look at the seedy underbelly of the life of the Greek gods. .
Announcer – Naci Konar-Steenberg
Io (secretary) – Bev O’Malley
Zeus – Max Spencer
Apollo – Annika Brelsford
Prometheus – Clea Gaitas Sur
Epimetheus – Griffin Moore
Hera – Rachel Swenson
Man – Soren Miller
Woman – Eve Sampsell-Jones
DMV Tyrant by Christopher Durang
Directed by Maren Ostrem & Evelyn Lillemoe
Synopsis: Synopsis: A person goes to a clerk at the Division of Motor Vehicles and tries to get their license renewed with infuriating results.
DMV worker: Per Johnson
Customer: Ellie Murphy
STEW by Adrienne Gaylord
Directed by Adrienne Gaylord
Synopsis: After a first date gone awry Nial wakes up in the grass at a public park with two women staring down at him. One sweet, one stoic, they offer him a ride home out of goodwill. Or is it? The quirky conversation heads South and Nial begins to worry for his safety. Don’t mess around with Vegan Lesbians for Cannibalism.
Lydia: Valerie Wick
Margaret: Mimi Huelster
Niall: Sam Zelazo
Second Best by Anja Trierweiler
Directed by Adeline DeHarpporte & Anja Trierweiler
Synopsis: Second Best is about a group of friends, and the drama that happens turned wrong. (There’s a surprise ending!)
Britney: Morgan Riley
Mary: Sevy Hayes
Callie: Zoey Burkhardt
Maddie: Maryeva Gonzalez
The Sandbox by Edward Allbee
Directed by Eric Severson
Mommy: Jay Jones
Daddy: Nathan Forsberg
Grandma: Rylan Hefner
Young Man: Gray Whitaker-Castaneda