[SENIOR STORIES] “What are you proudest of from your time at SPA?”

Ibid Yearbook

The Class of 2019 pose for a glass picture in the fall colors of Lilly Courtyard.

Michael: Hello there, I’m Michael Forsgren and today, you are listening to Senior Stories. Instead of speaking with just one senior, we will be listening to the experiences of forty-seven. They all answered the simple question, “What are you proudest of being at SPA?” Cheerful, somber, honest; listen to the stories of the soon to be graduates.

Adelia Bergner: Getting through writing sem.

Andrew Johnson: Beating Cristo Ray in the varsity basketball section semi-final.

Aidan McVea: I do not have one.

Annie Bottern: Passing my exams.

Bailey Donovan: My most proud moment was receiving the Athena Award.

Ben Atmore: I made a door out of wood.

Ben Carlsson: Getting into college is my most proud moment from being at SPA.

Dylan Rosso: My proudest moment at SPA is the tape sculpture of Nolan Gifford.

Elea Besse: I let myself be vulnerable in my art.

Emma Sampson: Beating Blake in the last three minutes of the IMAC title (soccer).

Ethan Less: When the middle school made their own Jewish affinity group.

Gabi Seifert: I drew a chicken on a board once, and it was cool.

Gabby Harmoning: I’m most proud of creating a stable friend group at SPA.

Garrett Small: My greatest achievement is becoming editor-in-chief of the Ibid yearbook.

Henry Hallaway: Turning around the grades, and, you know, getting the GPA up. We had a rough time freshman year and sophomore year but junior year we started to turn it around here we are senior year looking pretty good.

Imran Umer: I got an A on a biology paper that I grinded out from start to finish in the free period before the class.

Isabel Saavedra-Weis: My proudest moment at SPA was probably giving the senior speech I always wanted to hear.

Isabel Dieperink: Getting through junior year and meeting new people.

Isabel Gisser: Getting into college.

Jasper Green: When I made the varsity soccer team.

Jazz Ward: Giving my senior speech.

Joey Bluhm: Playing my french horn in the Pops Concert was pretty nice.

Justin Hla: My best achievement at SPA was probably finishing the final writing sem paper junior year.

Kaia Larsen: Hi, my most proud moment is interning with Angie Craig over the summer and into the fall of last year, and being at her election day party and her winning. That was pretty exciting.

Kat St. Martin-Norburg: I’m probably most proud of electing our current mayor, Melvin Carter, last year.

Kelby Wittenburg: I’d say my most proud moment at SPA was finishing my senior speech because it’s a hallmark of every student’s career in the upper school.

Kieran Singh: When I qualified for nationals in debate.

Koji Gutzmann: Going to state in the four by four (track).

Lauren Osteraas: My proudest moment at SPA was in fifth grade when I won the coloring contest for the torch, and my picture was on the front cover.

Maggie Hlavka: I’m proud of being the cross country team captain.

Mashal Naqvi: Allowing myself to open up about my identity and educating my classmates and peers.

Michaela Polley: I’m proud of all the concerts we’ve had.

Nitya Thakkar: I’m really proud of organizing a self-defense class for students of all genders and faculty, and I’m really excited for people to become more empowered by learning how to physically defend themselves.

Nolan Gifford: My proudest moment at SPA is playing in the state hockey tournament.

Phillip Bragg: Finding out I successfully raised a B to an A in a class.

Rachel Johnson: Led an ensemble of underclassmen in the fall play.

Reuben Vizelman: Becoming captain of the SPA ultimate team.

Riley Tietel: When I won the state championship with the SMB Wolfpack.

Ryan Moore: Being done with my speech.

Sawyer Johnson: When I hit my first three for SPA basketball.

Shane Litman: Getting through my senior speech.

Tessah Green: Making it to state my sophomore year with the soccer team.

Tom Jaeger: Leading the cross country team in the fall.

Tristan Hitchens-Brookins: I don’t think I’m particularly proud of anything I’ve done over here, I don’t think I’ve left any lasting impressions quite honestly.

Will Christakos: My most proud moment at SPA was my senior speech.

Michael: Those were the forty-seven seniors answering the question: “What are you proudest of being at SPA?” Now, to add the forty-eighth, my personal proudest moment of being at SPA was being a part of such a sincere, fun, loving, intelligent, and special grade. Thank you for listening, this was Michael Forsgren reporting for The Rubicon.