Senior Nick Hoffmann enjoys fly fishing as a hobby

Nick Hoffmann (submitted)

Senior Nick Hoffmann and his father Chris Hoffmann go fly fishing regularly. “I really enjoy fishing with my dad because every time I go with him he teaches me something new about fishing…,” Nick Hoffman said.

Time to bond with a parent is something everyone needs from time to time. Being able to bond through an enjoyable hobby makes the experience even more special. Senior Nick Hoffmann credits his fishing hobby and skills to his father, who got him hooked at a young age. “I really enjoy fishing with my dad because every time I go with him he teaches me something new about fishing and it’s one of those few times that we actually get to hang out alone,” Hoffmann said. Hoffmann and his father fly-fish together regularly. “Fly-fishing uses a much longer rod—about 9’’—and instead of using traditional bait like worms or leaches you use handmade flies which adds another element to it, making it much harder,” Hoffmann said.