[PHOTO GALLERY] Science Alliance places 7th in sections, advances to state
On Saturday, Feb. 2, SPA’s science team, Science Alliance, secured their spot in the upcoming state competition by finishing in the top 7 schools in their division, with many individuals placing first in their respective events. The competition took place at Eastview high school in Apple Valley, utilizing the school’s many classrooms and lab spaces to test the scientific knowledge of the competitors. Students could demonstrate their proficiency in anything from astronomy to forensics, often through a combination of both lab experiments and written assessments.
“We had so much fun at Science Olympiad! We had a ton of new Science Alliance members compete and place in events and that was super exciting for everyone. Great job to all competitors!” said Science Alliance co-captain Sammy Ries.
“Not only will we be going to State, but we did it with positivity and teamwork. Everyone had a good time and I’m so very proud of our teams,” said Lily Nestor, another Science Alliance co-captain.
The state science competition will take place on March 2 at Bethel University.

Kelby Wittenberg is the Rubicon News co-editor at RubicOnline. This is his fourth year on staff. He enjoys RubicOnline because he believes news is the...