Science Alliance looks ahead to competitions

Science Alliance members junior Brian Heilig and senior Cynthia Zheng practice for the upcoming Science Bowl competition. “This year we are hoping to build a larger team so we can compete in every event for Science Olympiad and have a strong Science Bowl team,” Zheng said.
The St. Paul Academy and Summit School’s Science Alliance group is worked hard this past month to prepare for competitions they will be attending in January and February.The first competition they will attend is the Science Bowl on Jan. 24, where teams of four compete against each other to answer questions about science. On Feb. 8, Science Alliance will attend the Science Olympiad where, similar to the Olympics, there are different events competitors can choose to compete in.
Two years ago, SPA’s Science Olympiad team was able to compete at the state competition. “This year we are hoping to build a larger team so we can compete in every event for Science Olympiad and have a strong Science Bowl team,” senior member Cynthia Zheng said. The group is “focusing more on just enjoying the cool parts of science and gaining interest in science among the student body,” Zheng said. When the group is not preparing for competitions, they do fun activities including making slime and bouncy balls.

Senior Katrina Hilton is the 2013-14 sports editor for the Rubicon. Katrina participates in cross country, Nordic skiing, track, Students Against Destructive...