School provides opportunity to watch and discuss inauguration

Breandan Gibbons

Debate coach Tom Fones watches the lead up to the Inauguration in the lecture room.

Breandan Gibbons, RubicOnline Editor

Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces on today at 12 p.m (EST). His Inaugural Address and Swearing In ceremony will be broadcast for Upper School who want to watch in the Lecture Room. The day’s events begin at 8:30 (CST) with the address beginning at 10:30.

Upper School Principal Chris Hughes wrote in his email to the student body yesterday that “We know that Friday will be a day of intense reactions across the political spectrum, and we will have people within our community on all sides of the reaction.  Please be aware and respectful of your peers and fellow community members.”

Students are permitted to miss their classes to watch the events; however, they need request permission from teachers and any work they miss is their responsibility to catch up on. 

“It’s good that students are able to discuss the Inauguration,” senior Hana Martinez said, “But I am a little disheartened but optimistic for the future.”

“As a conservative, I’m excited for an opportunity to change,” junior Rahul Dev said, “However there is so much reason for uncertainty right now that I’m not overly excited.”

During Tutorial, some Tutorial spaces will give students the opportunity to either discuss the inauguration, explore literature that relates to American identity, meet with Affinity groups, or “escape” from politics. 

“This is a school of so many conflicting opinions,” Dev said, “I will be interested to see the student reactions.”

“As someone who is running one of the conversations, I am excited for the opportunity,” Martinez said.

The full list of rooms is available here.

Trump’s inauguration comes after months of turmoil in his transition, and this weekends Inauguration comes with scheduled protests today across the nation and the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday.