School calendar accommodates few religious holidays
There are 23 Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and Hindu holidays during the school year. Of these 23, only 13 holidays appear on the St. Paul Academy and Summit School calendar. How many of these holidays get the day off? Only three: Yom Kippur, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. Christmas and Kwanzaa will be celebrated during Winter Break, and Yom Kippur occurred over the weekend in September.
Is the school properly accommodating the religious holidays of its students? Should more holidays have a day off, considering the diverse religious population of the school? Are religious holidays important enough for a day off, or at least a lighter homework load? More debate will come in the Opinions section, when The Rubicon‘s October issue hits stands.

Boraan Abdulkarim, a senior at St. Paul Academy and Summit School, is looking forward to her fourth year on The Rubicon staff. Boraan enjoys calligraphy,...