SADD hosts second drunk goggles obstacle course
Seniors Oona Prozinski and Justine Miller facilitate SADD’s drunk goggles competition.
For the roughly 2,000 teenagers who die every year while driving under the influence of alcohol, it is hard to imagine that one simple simulation might have saved their lives, but that’s exactly what the student group Students Against Destructive Decisions(SADD) hope to achieve.
On Thursday, Jan. 26th SADD hosted its second annual drunk goggles obstacle course. Students in groups of four had to perform a cartwheel, jump rope, hit a baseball, and make a basket all why wearing a pair of drunk goggles.
“What the goggles do is impair your vision the same way being under the influence does,” SADD Co-President Justine Miller said, “We wanted to show students that think like hitting a ball or jumping rope, things that can be really easy when you’re not impaired can be really difficult when you have even a little bit of impairment.”
SADD hopes that this obstacle course will help students see the dangers of driving with impaired vision. To aid them in this, SADD members worked to make it clear that their obstacle course wasn’t an actual competition.
“One thing that we think is really important to do is to make sure that we don’t have a winner in our obstacle course. Everyone who participates gets something like a cookie for coming, but we don’t hand out prizes to anyone. We don’t want to make doing things while impaired seemed like a challenge or a competition when they leave,” Miller said.

Lauren Boettcher is excited to serve as the RubicOnline Chief Story Editor and Social Media Manager for the 2016-17 school year. Currently a senior,...