[TV REVIEW] WandaVision strengthens Marvel Cinematic Universe
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Wanda and Vision in a 1950s sitcom from the first episode of WandaVision.
Filled with magic, mystery and exciting characters, WandaVision is a must-watch whether you’re a Marvel fan or not. The limited series, first released on Jan. 15, has been the talk of the town for the past 8 weeks. Every Friday an episode of WandaVision would drop on DisneyPlus sparking interest and curiosity for many of its viewers. The show follows the characters Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) from the MCU films as they navigate their new happy life in the small town of Westview, New Jersey through famous sitcom tropes. In most of the episodes in the series, the characters copy tropes and styles from generations of popular sitcoms starting in the 50s in the first episode and ending with the 2000s. Each episode opens with a theme song composed by Robert and Kirsten Lopez of Wanda and Vision being cheerful and excited in Westview. However, each song is different each episode and is similar to popular sitcom theme songs of the time selected to be shown throughout the episode. WandaVision imitates the presentation style from older popular TV shows like The Brady Bunch, Family Ties, I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Malcolm in the Middle and more.
Each episode is filled with laugh tracks and single-camera shots and we can’t forget about the comedic relief and nosy neighbor Agnes (Kathryn Hahn), who is always at Wanda’s side. However, in each episode the viewer is left with questions when Wanda seems to suddenly reshape reality or turn back time. Even in the first few episodes, the viewer is pining for more as they are left with confusion and conspiracies.
Over time, viewers get closer and closer to the reason as to why Wanda, Vision and the rest of Westview residents are stuck in this sitcom reality. WandaVision is a mystery box show that includes tons of easter eggs from the MCU comics and films. Over the course of the 8 weeks, Marvel fans scoured the MCU comic books and the internet to indulge personal conspiracy theories and thoughts about what was to happen in the next episodes or what it all meant in the bigger MCU picture.
To understand and appreciate WandaVision and its connection to the MCU, it’s always great to watch a couple of the MCU movies or read some of the comics. But WandaVision itself is a great TV show for anyone, even those who haven’t seen the other films or are unaware of the main characters. It keeps its audience on the edge of their seats and there are moments during the show where many are caught off guard and taken aback. This show is perfect for people who aren’t huge fans of action packed superheroes films and TV shows because WandaVision explores and emphasizes many heavy topics such as grief, loss and acceptance that Wanda goes through throughout the series. After losing her brother Pietro and boyfriend Vision in the previous films, Wanda has no one left. She is struck with grief and this show highlights that and how she is able to overcome it. Not only this, viewers get a bit more insight and knowledge of who Wanda is and who she was in her past. This show is definitely different from the traditional MCU films because of this exploration into more serious topics but it makes that connection between the character everyone already knows and loves and the viewer that much better.
WandaVision is a unique TV show in the sense that it blurs the line between TV show and feature films. The amount of money, resources and people it took to create this show was similar to that of one of the big MCU films. Because of the financial success of the MCU films, Marvel Studios was able to take a chance at producing a unique and out of the box TV show. This risk seemed to pay off as WandaVision was the most viewed show in January when it first hit DisneyPlus.
WandaVision is full of surprises, touching moments, cliffhangers as well as the traditional MCU superhero spectacles. Viewers get to see more into the lives of certain characters in previous films and get a better understanding of who those characters were, are and who they will be in the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Annika Rock is a News Editor at RubicOnline. This is her second year on staff. During quarantine, she has been taken daily walks around her neighborhood...