[MOVIE REVIEW] Thor: Ragnarok smashes its way into theaters
Thor and Bruce Banner lead the colorful cast of Ragnarok.
When the Marvel Cinematic Universe first jumped onto the big screen, its main focus was to produce a more serious super hero movie such as Iron Man or Captain America: The First Avenger. However, fans of the comic based movies wanted to see the heroes have the wise cracking and funny personalities that they fell in love with in the comics. For Thor: Ragnarok there is no exception.
After seeing visions of an ultimate evil and the Infinity Stones being used for destruction, Thor returns home to find Odin banished and Loki in power. Thor begins to restore life back to normal only to find his greatest fear realized. Hela, the goddess of death, was waiting for him. Hela attacked him and forced him to a trash planet while she conquered his home. Thor wakes up to find he has been banished to a trash planet while Hela conquers his home. The disoriented Hulk finds he is going to be forced to fight for entertainment and his first opponent is The Hulk. Trapped on this exotic world, Thor forms a plan to escape, create a team with The Hulk, Valkyrie, and rarely trustworthy brother Loki, while finally stopping Hela’s destruction.
Thor: Ragnarok changed the formula of most Marvel movies, including the two previous Thor movies. Instead of portraying the serious God who shows no emotions, Hemsworth takes the character in a different direction by giving him a more humorous dialogue. Hemsworth is joined by recurring Marvel favorite Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Anthony Hopkins as Odin, and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/The Hulk. The chemistry between these actors is electric as they share great banter and comical interactions. This movie appeals to people of all ages with its hard hitting action and the rib splitting comedy.
/5 Stars

Senior Jake Adams, RubicOnline Sports Editor. A member of both the Wolfpack and the Baseball team, Adams is a huge fan of baseball and football. He can...