REVIEW: Brian Regan Comedy Tour a family affair
The Orpheum theater was filled even though there was still an hour until Brian Regan would start his performance. Widely known for his appearances on Jimmy Kimmel, The Letterman Show, and the three specials he filmed for Comedy Central, Brian Regan was making his third appearance in Minnesota during the weekend of Jan. 28.
The show opened with Brian’s brother, Dennis, welcoming the audience to the show and starting the comedy for the night with jokes about flying from city to city, the true responsibilities of a passenger in the exit row, and how a shoe store advertised their shoes as the first ones specifically made for walking. After a short 10 minute routine from Dennis, Brian arrived on stage out to ear-ringing ovation.
Brian opened the act by asking his brother “How is your last name pronounced?” Brian Regan’s 50 minute routine focused on political comedy : from the presidency to how we can end the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
The only low point of the night was when Regan attempted to add new jokes to his routine that he didn’t previously practice and flopped with the crowd. He redeemed himself with a 5 minute joke about how he thought “boots on the ground” was literally dropping boots out of a plane. Once Brian Regan finished his comedy routine, the large crowd called for an encore, which they got.
Brian returned to the stage and performed for 20 minutes.
But it wasn’t enough.
Regan came back out for a second encore and proceeded to tell jokes about his large family for another 30 minutes, bringing the audience back to Regan jokes.
Regan’s show will be enjoyable as it is a comedy show for all ages. He has goofy and outrageous Regan will be touring through 2017 and he will return to the midwest on Sept., 10 in Bloomington, IL.
Rating: 4.5 Stars out of 5

Senior Jake Adams, RubicOnline Sports Editor. A member of both the Wolfpack and the Baseball team, Adams is a huge fan of baseball and football. He can...