Removal of sophomore benches was beneficial and effective
The sophomore benches were removed for three days in response to reports of sexual harassment by a select few who.
November 10, 2014
Sophomore benches may be back in place but conversations continue after the benches were removed for 3 days.
After receiving a second round of complaints about harassment near the sophomore benches, Dean Delgado and the US Administration reacted thusly and took the sophomore benches away. Besides the extra space gained, the removal of the benches provided overdue recognition and punishment for sexual harassment that has been ongoing. This removal was good for everyone, not just those who appear to be appeased by it.
Although the offending parties have only been a handful of privileged male students, the actions of these students affect everyone inside this community. Freshmen actively seek out complex routes in order to avoid going near the sophomore space. Innocent classmates of the offenders who are by all accounts allied against sexual harassment are getting a bad reputation solely because of their status as sophomores.
Taking the benches isn’t the main consequence, but rather intended to show the actual consequence: the hurting and division of this community. The entire community has been ostracized by these actions, not just the freshman girls. The removal of the benches isn’t to appease any one community, but to respond to the community at-large.
Although the entire sophomore class isn’t responsible for what happened the past few weeks, they must carry the burden and ultimately the responsibility. Both the community (mostly) and the administration should be commended for their responses. Those who harass or discriminate, support those who do, or believe their silence makes them neutral should reevaluate their stance on what good it provides their class and the community.