Registration for Blood Drive begins
Sophomore Ella Matticks checks out a Blood Drive poster in the athletic hallway, one of many posters posted around school. “I think [the Blood Drive] is a great thing our school does,” Matticks said.
Giving blood. Two words that may seem like a daunting task are actually an easy way to give back to the community. Following with the annual tradition, the Upper School Council at St. Paul Academy and Summit School is organizing a Blood Drive for Upper School students. “I think [The Blood Drive] is a great thing our school does,” sophomore Ella Matticks said. The drive will take place on Tuesday, Feb 3 from 8:15 am to 2:15 pm.
To give blood, a student must be 17 years old, or 16 years old with parental consent. Some form of photo identification is also required, whether it be a drivers license or a school ID. There are additional requirements, such as weight, which are based on height and gender for young donors, as well as a series of health-related requirements. “[It is later in the year] because then most of the sophomores will be 16,” sophomore USC representative Moira McCarthy said.
To sign up to give blood or find more information, talk to USC members outside the cafeteria during lunch periods throughout the week.

Online Opinions Editor Emily Thissen has been a Rubicon staff member since her freshman year of high school and has enjoyed her role of reporting and editing...