Q&A with Golf Captains Colin and Drew O’Hern

The boys golf co-captains talk about their goals for the season.

Interview with Golf Captains: Colin and Drew O’Hern


Q: Now you two are captains and seniors, even though you have been captains in prior years, what will make this year different than past years as leaders?


A: Colin: Well because we are seniors and we are going away next year there is really nothing to lose and it’s really to rebuild the team, and getting the youngsters into the game and everything so that when we leave the program will be sturdy like how it was when we were there.


Q: How have you guys prepared as individuals and/or as a team for this golf season?


A: Drew: There isn’t any type of preseason practice or captains practice for golf so it is really on the players to try and get out during spring break. But for the first couple weeks it is normal to have to get the rust off and then we go from there.


Q: What are some common things that you guys do as a team? (rituals, routines, etc.)


A: Drew: We don’t really do anything special, we have nicknames but other than that the golf team is pretty casual. We usually putt and chip on the putting green together before the game but that’s about it.


Q: Are there any new guys or youngsters that you guys are expecting to make a big impact this year, if so how?


A: Drew: Yes, a new kid named Gus and also Lath. In previous years, the team has really been short one guy because we need four guys to really compete and we have only had three in the past, but now with these new guys I think we can shave off a couple strokes from their average score and now with Gus, hopefully we can make a stronger run at it.  


Q: You guys went to state last year as individuals, what will it take to get back to state?


A: Colin: As always it takes hard work, determination and perseverance. Any day you can shoot whatever but it is about getting past those mental blocks.

Drew: I think it is really about getting to know the course we are playing on, we have the conference and section matches which we need to thrive at are all at the same course so I think if we can get a couple practice rounds before at this course then I really think we can do it.