Q&A: Fantasy enchants award-winning Book Fest author William Alexander
Author William Alexander stands next to his book signing table on Nov. 22. “We all tell stories. We’re all made out of stories,” he said.
Author William Alexander won a National Book Award for Young People’s Literature last year for his debut novel, Goblin Secrets. In the book, main character Rownie searches for his older brother with a theatre troupe of goblins. Alexander will be signing books on Nov. 20. To read the full story on this year’s Book Fest authors, see the November print issue of The Rubicon, on stands now or here.
Why did you start writing fiction?
Alexander: We all tell stories. We’re all made out of stories. Mine just wanted to live in books, so I made books for them.
What is your favorite part about writing fiction?
Alexander: Hmm. I’m not sure that I can choose a single, favorite part… I love it when character voices start to sound the way they’re supposed to. I love it when part of the story surprises me. And I very much enjoy trying to write the sort of book that I needed when I was eleven.
Where did you get the inspiration for writing fantasy fiction?
Alexander: From my favorite books, fairy tales, legends, and the genuine weirdness of the world that realistic stories can’t ever capture.
Did you have an experience similar to your main character?
Alexander: Like Rownie, I love standing onstage. Like Rownie, I find it terrifying to stand onstage.
Do you have a connection to SPA? If so, what is it?
Alexander: No, I have no previous connection to SPA. But I’ve heard great things about the festival, and I was very glad to accept the invitation.
Why did you choose to sign books at Book Fest?
Alexander: Because it is always fantastic to meet fellow readers in person and take part in a magnificent celebration of books.
What do you do in your free time?
Alexander: I have no free time! I write, read, teach, and take care of my two kids. All of my time is spoken for.
Are you writing any more novels in the future?
Alexander: Yes. As many as I can. The next novel, Ambassador, will be published in September of next year.

Gitanjali Raman is a member of the senior class at St. Paul Academy and Summit School. Gitanjali is currently Online Managing Editor, and has served in...

Lucy is a senior at St. Paul Academy and Summit School. Previously Cover Story Editor last year and SciTech Editor the year before, she is now Online...