Producing the yearbook takes time
Members of the 2014-2015 Ibid staff pose for a photo at the Minnesota State High School Press Association Minnesota State Journalism Convention on Oct. 7. “[The best part is] seeing people like the yearbooks and the final product and knowing that they’ll still have this book in 50 years,” co-editor-in-chief senior Kennedy Strombeck said. From left to right: senior Kennedy Strombeck, junior Madeeha Rizvi and Danish Mahmood, freshman Olivia Williams Ridge, senior Nancy Moyers, junior Claudia Rosario, senior Carrie Jaeger, senior Bella Martinez, freshman Daniel Ellis, and Ibid adviser Linda Brooks.
With the rhythm of the school year finally back in place, end of the year celebrations are far from everyone’s mind. Everyone, but the staff of the St. Paul Academy and Summit School yearbook, the Ibid. In fact their work starts a year in advance. “We had to go to yearbook camp in June,” Ibid co-editor-in-chief senior Bella Martinez said.
The yearbook staff has deadlines throughout the year, and the beginning is no exception. “We make templates of how each page is gonna look and we do the cover design. We choose a theme of what we’re gonna carry throughout [the yearbook],” Ibid co-editor-in-chief senior Kennedy Strombeck said.
The work is not confined solely to the yearbook staff. They draw on photos and information from the student body and faculty. “Just getting people to cooperate is very hard,” Strombeck said. Martinez agreed, listing the hardest part as “getting other people to cooperate with us, like getting seniors to turn in their pages and people to send us pictures.”
The hard work and early start pay off. “[The best part is] seeing the final product and knowing that people like it and will still have this book in 50 years,” Strombeck said.

Netta Kaplan is a junior at St. Paul Academy and Summit School and the managing editor of The Rubicon. She has prior experience on staff as both a Copy...