Ping Pong, new club sport offers a fun time for all experience levels
Sophomore Rita Li prepares to serve the ball, on a makeshift table.
After years of only being featured during homecoming week, the sport of ping pong is being brought to the SPA community. The new Ping Pong club sport is bringing the excitement and passion of the sport to all students starting on Friday at 3:15 at their first meeting.
Club founder Rita Li said, “I started the ping pong club because I was looking for something to do. I used to play ping pong when I was little with my dad, so I thought I would bring it to the SPA community”. Learning from her dad, she hopes to teach and play ping pong with more students.
Ping pong has long been an annual tradition, only being featured as a homecoming event, where all students are welcome to participate. While everyone always enjoys watching the tournament final during the pep fest, this new club responds to the desire of students to play ping-pong year-round.
9th grader Carson Grandberg says, “I joined ping pong to get better at ping pong, and have fun playing with friends.” It is bound to be a good time, as the practices generally revolve around just playing and hanging out.
Li went on to say, “I’m planning on just getting some matches in at practice, to see where everyone’s at and then do some drills and talk about technique, learn to build techniques”. This practice schedule will allow students to have fun and play while learning proper techniques and skills to be their best players.
While the new club is led by experienced players, many new members are joining to learn how to play the sport. Sophomore Savannah Switzer said, “I hope to learn how to play ping pong because I don’t really know how to play right now”. The new ping pong club is the perfect opportunity to learn and try something new because they are just practicing against each other for now.
All club members share the same sentiment of feeling excited to play and have fun. Join them on Friday at 3:15 pm in Driscoll, if you are looking to become a better player and have a fun time.

Zekiah Juliusson is the Opinions Editor of Rubiconline and this will be his 4th year on staff. Over the summer he took a fun boundary waters trip and played...