From the remarkable assembly announcement to the groundbreaking ceremony, the Hugh K. Schilling Center has been a story of construction and imagination. On May 29 during X-period, however, students were finally able to go inside of the highly talked about building that will open in the fall of 2018. Students and faculty alike shared their excitement:
“I’m excited for more space for robotics and other science electives. There’s a room just for 3D printers and that kind of thing,” junior Gabriel Konar-Steenberg said.
Likewise, many teachers and specifically science teachers stood amid their soon to be teaching spaces.
“It’s amazing. The space, the equipment, all of it is pretty exciting,” US Science teacher and Science Department Chair Karissa Baker said.
It’s been over 20 months since the Schilling Center was announced to students and faculty, and the open house surely served as a stepping stone into the next school year.
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