Noor Qureishy
PAWS raises $310.10 in a bake sale for the Animal Human Society, "The animal humane society appreciates money more than object donations so that they can use the money to get whatever they need at discounted prices," co-president Samantha Bluhm said.
Tins of carefully frosted cupcakes, brownie squares, and rice crispie bars monopolized a lunch table, sold to sugar-obsessed students by PAWS, People for Animal Welfare and Safety, the student group that has been known to conduct many bake sales in order to raise money for pets in danger.
“[Bake sales are] one of the easiest ways to fund raise. The Animal Humane Society appreciates money more than object donations, so that they can use the money to get whatever they need at discounted prices,” co-president junior Samantha Bluhm said.
However, although the bake sale’s proceeds, a grand total of $310.10 are all going to the Animal Humane Society, co-presidents Samantha Bluhm and Shelby Tietel are planning on taking the club in a different direction this year. Their plans for the future include conducting more bake sales in the spring, but they are also doing campaigns in order to raise money for animals besides those who are conventionally known as “pets”, i.e. dogs, cats, fish and so on.
“We are doing a campaign right now for the orcas in Seaworld. We are going to do a project with companion animals next and are doing another wild animal project as well,” Bluhm said.
Although the Animal Humane Society usually just helps pets, or companion animals, Bluhm and Tietel plan to aid a larger variety of animals this year.
“[We have] refocused our goals for the club. Rather than just focusing on companion animals, as the former presidents did, we are focusing on all kinds of animals,” Bluhm said.