Patterned leggings brighten winter blues
The “polar vortex,” as some people called it, brought in below zero wind chills, overwhelming amounts of snow, and a new level of the inherent need for comfortable school attire. A solution? Patterned leggings. While already a trend from the start of the school year, this choice has become an ideal one among students looking for something warm and easy to wear. The classic black legging has become a wardrobe staple because of its versatility, but patterned leggings provide an outlet for more creativity with matching or even pattern mixing. For an extra wintry addition to accommodate the cold, fleece-lined leggings are a common favorite. “[Patterned leggings]’re cool and comfy. They look better than just plain black and it’s easier to change it up,” sophomore Claudia Rosario said.
Boraan Abdulkarim, a senior at St. Paul Academy and Summit School, is looking forward to her fourth year on The Rubicon staff. Boraan enjoys calligraphy,...