Column: Grand Old Party should be renamed Extremely Young Party
Republicans’ child-like antics prevent solutions in midst of government shutdown
The government shutdown is on the eve of its one week anniversary, with no signs of rectification in sight. In fact, it appears as if we’re headed deeper into turmoil, as the GOP, or Republican Party, claims that they won’t compromise on the upcoming debt ceiling negotiations unless more concessions regarding the Affordable Care Act are made. Many people throughout the nation are fed up of the Tea Party antics plaguing their way through the House of Representatives, but not nearly enough. House Republicans continue to act immaturely and selfishly, not thinking of those they were elected to serve.
This entire scenario seems to bring the image of a young child throwing a tantrum to get what he wants to mind. Imagine a child in a restaurant, claiming he wants both ice cream and chocolate cake. The mom responds by saying he can have either chocolate cake or ice cream, but this isn’t good enough for the kid. So he throws a tantrum, ruining the dining experience for everyone else and jeopardizing the restaurant’s business, yet he refuses to stop until all of his demands are made. As of yet, we don’t know if the mother concedes or if they simply ruin the restaurant. In today’s world, the GOP is this child. Despite passing all measures necessary, and being implemented into law, the Republican Party continues to bash Obamacare. They claim that the American people don’t want this government mandated health care. How, then, would the GOP explain how Minnesota phone lines were jammed when MNsure went live, and how New York state’s health care website crashed within minutes because they received too many web hits from interested citizens? The answer is simple: there is no viable answer. At this point, the only reason such strong opposition remains is because of Republican pride and the fact that our nation has become too polarized for one faction to admit and say, “The other party did a good job, and we fully support what they’ve proposed since it will benefit a vast majority of people within our nation. I understand that our party did not come up with the idea, and I realize that the system may not be perfect, but it provides so many benefits that we wholeheartedly support it and will help it succeed.” Why can’t America be like that? Think about how great it would be to hear news about compromise and legislation being passed, instead of hearing about Ted Cruz and John Boehner and their plans to cause America to default on their debt.
There are many Republicans in the House that are ready to forget this shutdown and let the Affordable Care Act finally go through, but the Tea Party elites won’t allow it. I say it’s time to give the moderates on both sides the voice and let them speak for the people. It’s time for the Grand Old Party to grow up and work for the betterment of America, not their personal pedigree. It’s time for that little kid to realize he may not get everything he wants, but if he compromises he’ll get much more than if he only throws a tantrum.

Nick Cohen is a senior at Saint Paul Academy and Summit School. This is his second year as a columnist for the Rubicon. He enjoys playing baseball, guitar,...

Lucy is a senior at St. Paul Academy and Summit School. Previously Cover Story Editor last year and SciTech Editor the year before, she is now Online...