Officer election results announced
After candidates announced their platforms and Google ballots were tabulated Sept. 25, the leadership of Upper School Council, Committee for Community Conduct, Student Activities Committee, and Student Technology Committee results were announced.
USC Co-Presidents Nikolas Liepins and Rashmi Raveendran
USC Vice President Maya Choi
USC Secretary Henry Hoeglund
C3 Co-Chairs Jackson Biggs and Jenny Ries
C3 Secretary Allison Audette
SAC Co-Presidents Gavin Kimmel and Sara Browne
SAC Vice President Michael Bagnoli
SAC Secretary Alison Browne
SAC Treasurer Ruby Fields
STC Chair Miranda Bance
STC Secretary Will Sedo
Elections, which usually happen in the spring, were delayed because of distance learning. Online campaigns included Instagram accounts and webinar speeches.