With speeches and elections having been held at the beginning of May, new grade-wide leadership is coming to represent their grades on the Upper School Council (USC), Student Activities Committee (SAC), and Student Technology Committee (STC).
The Upper School Council is a liaison between students and administrators and gives student input for many decisions that affect student life. Examples of USC’s work are the blood drives and mentor-mentee programs. The Students Activities Committee organizes school events, including homecoming, the winter formal and prom. The Students Technology Committee is a liaison between the student body and the technology department, providing communication with student input on technological decisions. STC is currently creating a website newsletter and to provide the student body with information on technology policies.
These organizations provide students with outlets to impact various aspects of school life, with grade representatives working to bridge the gap between adult decision-makers and students. Student input is made possible through communications and reaching out to grade-wide reps. Let’s meet some of the new grade representatives.
Newly elected class representatives get ready for the next school year
May 19, 2024

TALLULAH DOGWILL is a SAC grade representative (2027). “I love planning things… and including as many voices as possible,” she said. As a sophomore, she will be a part of planning school dances and learning more about SAC. Reach out to Dogwill about anything student activities related, as she hopes to bring more student input into the planning process.