[MORE TO ME] Hoeschen helps children grow through Jeremiah Program

Fair use image: Jeremiah Program website
Sophomore Lucie Hoeschen spent her time helping children through the Jeremiah Program. “It’s fun to hang out and watch cute toddlers,” Hoeschen said.
December 13, 2018
Sophomore Lucie Hoeschen volunteers every week for the Jeremiah Program by watching and helping children while their mothers attend classes taught by the program. Hoeschen has devoted tons of hours to this program because she believes in their “transforming lives two generations at a time” motto and she wants to help out other people.
“I volunteer at the Jeremiah Program which helps single moms get their college education by taking care of their kids while they attend classes. I have been there for about two years and when I started I played three sports, but it [program] was super flexible for my schedule,” Hoeschen said.
She typically spends between two and four hours during her week at the program between two days. Hoeschen watches children while their mothers attend classes they normally would not be able to take during their night.
“I go on Tuesdays and Thursdays when the program teaches their life skills and empowerment classes for the women. Volunteering makes me feel good,” she said.
Hoeschen believes the classes are important for the participants of the program because some come from rough backgrounds and its important for them. Children are an essential aspect of her volunteering experience.
“It’s fun to hang out and watch cute toddlers,” Hoeschen said.
She enjoys her work because it heightens her feelings for both the children and their mothers while contributing to the benefit of other people. Hoeschen herself benefits from the program just by spending time with the children.