Minnesota slowly becoming a political battleground state

Flickr CC Photo: Gage Skidmore

Donald Jr. speaks to northern Minnesotans about the GOP’s advocacy for American laborers.

Thomas Reinhart, RubicOnline

The 2020 presidential election has been at the forefront of all news in recent months, as the nation fights for racial justice and COVID-19 continues to spread, the decision for who will be the nation’s next president has seemingly taken all matters of life into account. The teams of both presidential candidates are out on the campaign trail, stopping in different states to make their pitches to voters.

The state of Minnesota has long been considered a Democratic guarantee. The state has gone blue in all but three presidential elections since 1932, and has been blue ever since the election of 1972 when Richard Nixon became the 37th president of the United States. However, this year, the state of Minnesota has been declared a battleground state, meaning that the state could go either Republican or Democratic.

Last Wednesday, September 9th, both the Trump and Biden campaigns stopped here in Minnesota. Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the current President of the United States, visited Duluth, MN while Dr. Jill Biden, the wife of Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden, visited Prior Lake, MN.

Biden made her pitch alongside Governor Walz, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, and Education Minnesota President Denise Specht, where she spoke about a strong, cohesive federal plan to help bring students back into the classroom. Trump Jr. seemed to speak directly to the laborers of rural Minnesota. He believes that the GOP is the better party for hard workers and the economy as a whole.

Students of the SPA community are becoming increasingly involved in this years’ election, specifically the seniors who are getting closer to being able to vote. Senior T.J. Isberg is one of these students. Although unable to vote, Isberg is plugged into the political world, “I pay enough attention to make sure I’m informed on what’s going on,” Isberg said.

He also expressed disappointment in the political system of the United States, to which he says “I’m disappointed in our two party political system, because yet again, we are left with two disappointing candidates, neither of which are suitable to run this country.”

The November 3rd election date is approaching quickly and although only a few seniors will be able to vote, there is most definitely a sense of political awareness at SPA.