Mic’d Up with Simon Assefa
Boys Basketball starts their season with captain’s practice after school. Captains Simon Assefa, Tysen Hayes, and Ethan Carter plan the training, which runs from 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. Captain practices are so new players can learn about the basketball team and get in some practice before the season. Players are excited to get on the court and spend the time not in scrimmages shooting on the side hoops.
The time spent in practice is mainly 5 v 5 scrimmages with the loser having to do a killer. Athletes can work on their ball-handling skills, shooting, and defense all while under pressure from their teammates.
Boys Basketball Warmups Spotify

My name is Ivy Raya. I am currently the Creative Design Webmaster and have been on the Rubicon Online for four years. Previously I was a staff writer,...